Diffusion Science radio: Face transplant and spice for life

Face transplant and spice for life

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Successful face transplant including eyeball,
News of Cinnamon for longer life and better memory by Ian Woolf,
Face recognition by Gina Sartore
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

man sits in hospital bed, holding a mirror to look at his newly transplanted face, with doctors and family around the bed

NYU Langone Health Performs World’s First Whole-Eye & Partial-Face Transplant

https://www.buckinstitute.org/news/new-drug-like-molecule-extends-lifespan-ameliorates-pathology-in-worms-and-boosts-function-in-mammalian-muscle-cells/ New drug-like molecule extends lifespan, ameliorates pathology in worms and boosts function in mammalian muscle cells
https://doi.org/10.1038/s43587-023-00524-9 A drug-like molecule engages nuclear hormone receptor DAF-12/FXR to regulate mitophagy and extend lifespan
https://neurosciencenews.com/cinnamon-learning-memory-22444/ Spice of Life: Cinnamon Helps Boost Learning and Memory
https://doi.org/10.1080/1028415X.2023.2166436 “Cinnamon and cognitive function: a systematic review of preclinical and clinical studies”

November 20, 2023
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