Diffusion Science radio: Sexual ecology and Pirate privacy again

Sexual ecology and Pirate privacy again

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(This show was first broadcast on the 8th of July 2013)

In Pitt St Mall, Ian Woolf talks to David W Campbell, Pirate Party Senate candidate about the PRISMbreak privacy protest.
At Nerd Nite Sydney, Ian Woolf chats with Dr Peter Jonason about the behavioural ecology of sexual relationships.
Produced and presented by Ian Woolf

Peter Karl (PK) Jonason, Ph.D

Nerd Nite Sydney

David W. Campbell

Pirate Party Australia
PRISM break
Snowden reveals Australia's links to US spy web
NSA Surveillance of Australia Exposed!
Agreements with private companies protect U.S. access to cables’ data for surveillance


iwoolf's PRISMbreak  Sydney 2013 photoset iwoolf's PRISMbreak Sydney 2013 photoset

January 9, 2017
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