Crowd-funding Galaxy Exploration
download MP3 (right-click and select 'save as')
The Eureka Prizes Secondary School division by Ian Woolf
- The Secret of the Appendix by Paige Bebee,
- Why are Concussions Bad for You? by Luke Cadorin-Taylor,
- Gravity Sucks, by Tom Downie and Harry Bebbington,
Professor Michael Burton crowd-funds MOPRA to map the Delta Quadrant of the Galaxy,
Skullcrusher Mountain by Jonathan Coulton,
Production Checked by Charles Willock,
Produced and hosted by Ian Woolf.
#TeamMopra - Save the Mopra Telescope & Map the Milky Way
MOPRA Telescope
Mopra Survey
Mopra Central Molecular Zone survey
Australian Museum Eureka Prizes
September 28, 2015