Diffusion Science radio: Space Beer, OrbitOz and Launchbox

Space Beer, OrbitOz and Launchbox

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Make your phone compute while you sleep with Power To Give, by Ian Woolf,
Brian Lim speaks with Ian Woolf about OrbitOz, and his company Launchbox,
Justin Held spoke with Ian Woolf about Saber Astronautics, Space Beer, satellite engineering and the business of Space,
Part 2 of my interview with Nady Braidy about his research into reversing aging and treating Ciguatera,
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Brian Lim, OrbitOz and Launchbox
HTC Power to Give
World Community Grid
BOINC software
SETI @ Home
OrbitOz Space Entrepreneur meetup
Saber Astronautics
Space Beer
Dr Nady Braidy


iwoolf's items tagged with saberastro More of iwoolf's stuff tagged with saberastro


iwoolf's items tagged with spacebeer More of iwoolf's stuff tagged with spacebeer

March 3, 2014
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