Diffusion Science radio: Aging brains and Ciguatera

Aging brains and Ciguatera

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Fukushima reactor spills radioactive water yet again by Ian Woolf,
Dr Nady Braidy talks about toxins causing neuro-degenerative age-related brain diseases, and Ciguatera Fish Poison.
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

How ciguatoxins reach humans to cause Ciguatera fish poisoning

How BMAA causes ALS

How Saxitoxins reach humans

How harmful algal blooms can introduce neurotoxins to humans

Save Japan's homeless from over-exposure to radiation!
TEPCO discovers 100-tonne radioactive water leak at Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan (ABC)
Worst Spill in 6 Months Is Reported at Fukushima (NYT)
SPECIAL REPORT- Japan's homeless recruited for murky Fukushima clean-up (Reuters)
Homeless Fukushima Cleanup Workers Scammed out of Wages
Japan's homeless 'recruited' for cleaning up Fukushima nuclear plant
Homeless in Japan hired to clean up Fukushima nuclear radiation
Tell Japan to End Mob Exploitation of Homeless Workers in Fukushima Cleanup

February 24, 2014
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