Diffusion Science radio: Healing corneas and building robots

Healing corneas and building robots

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News of: DARPA brain implants,
Sony smart wigs,
and prosthetic hands that feel, by Ian Woolf.
Professor Stephanie Watson spoke with Ian Woolf about how she heals corneas with stem cells,
From the Sydney Mini Maker Faire:
Pete from Robogirls teaches schoolgirls to build lego robots,
Stephen Martin from BotBits talks about building combat robots from kits,
Diarmid Herath from Robological has a platform for you to design your own robots
Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

Restoring Active Memory - DARPA
DARPA wants to fix broken brains
DARPA seeks to develop implantable device to help brain-injured people regain their memories
Wearable Computing Device (Sony patent)
Is Sony's 'smart wig' even more absurd than Google Glass?
Sony's SmartWig patent is a real head-scratcher
An Artificial Hand with Real Feelings
Sydney Mini Maker Faire - Powerhouse Museum
Bot Bitz combat robot kits
Robo Wars
Robological Ro-buddy
2013-11-24 12.23.37
2013-11-24 12.14.44

2013-11-24 12.23.30
Robological Ro-buddy
2013-11-24 11.44.07
2013-11-24 11.46.54

Clinical Professor Stephanie Watson from the Save Sight Institute

Stem Cells for Eye repair on the New Inventors (video)
Corneal Stem Cells on Catalyst (video)

December 9, 2013
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