Diffusion Science radio: Rare Earth, Horses, Nano-wires

Rare Earth, Horses, Nano-wires

MP3 download

Brigid Mullane interviews Dr Matthew James about rare earth minerals from mines to electronics,
Lachlan Whatmore begins part 1 of the evolution of the horse,
Ian Woolf interviews Professor Matthew Phillips about nano-wires and LEDs
Presented and panelled by Marc West,
Produced by Ian Woolf

2My Old & New World Equus
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4My Hippidion Equus Stylohipparion
| | Neohipparion Hipparion Cormohipparion
| | Astrohippus | | |
| | Pliohippus ---------------------------
12My Dinohippus Calippus \ | /
| | Pseudhipparion \ | /
| | | |
------------------------------------------- Sinohippus
15My \ | / |
\ | / Megahippus |
17My Merychippus | |
| Anchitherium Hypohippus
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23My Parahippus Anchitherium Archeohippus
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25My \ | /
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35My |
Miohippus Mesohippus
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40My Mesohippus
45My Paleotherium |
| Epihippus
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Propalaeotherium | Haplohippus
| | |
50My Pachynolophus | Orohippus
| | |
| | |
\ | /
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55My Hyracotherium

July 26, 2010
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