Censorship, broken and fixed hearts

Ian Woolf interviews Crikey tech writer Stilgherrian about the
Australian Government's plan to censor the internet.
Patrick Rubie tells about heart-powered pacemakers, and why looks matter more at speed dating sessions,
Caitlin Howlett pleads the case of whales versus the US Navy,
Presented by Monica Sharma and produced by Ian Woolf.
Read Stilgherrian's blog: Stilgherrian or follow him on twitter
Electronic Frontiers Australia: No Clean Feed
Electronic Frontiers Australia: Protecting and promoting online civil liberties
Digital Liberty Coalition: No Censorship
Twitter hastags: #nocleanfeed
Laurel Papwoth: No Clean Feeds video
Irene Graham: The Net Labelling Delusion
Saviour or Devil
OverClockers Australia:Wiki page collating media articles & other info on the debate
New Matilda: Conroy's Web
ABC Unleashed: PG Nation
ABC Unleashed: How the cold creeps as the fire dies at length
Get UP: Save The Net
Paul Sheehan SMH: A piddling offence and much worse
Syd Walker: Clive Hamilton & I: Getting Personal about Sex, Lies, Hate & Censorship
Richard Baker & Nick Mackenzie SMH: Police hire private spies to snoop online
Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre UNSW: Forum: Internet filtering and censorship proposals
Glenn Milne, in The Sunday Times: Rudd will need a stiff upper lip
Liam Tung, ZDNet.com.au: NSW calls Conroy on Euro filter fudge
November 17, 2008