Diffusion Science radio: Axiomatic weird food and Bronowski

Axiomatic weird food and Bronowski

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From 11th January 2000: Antidepressant orgasms by Ian Woolf, US AIDS AID by Lachlan Whatmore, Fun with grapes by Ian Woolf Light emitting vegetable diodes by Ian Woolf, The Life of Jacob Bronowski part 1 by Lachlan Whatmore, Stimulating chocolate by Ian Woolf, ET hates soap by Lachlan Whatmore, Aids win in Uganda by Lachlan Whatmore, Hosted by Lachlan Whatmore and Ian Woolf, Technical support by Gina Sartore, Re-edited by Ian Woolf, Sound check by Charles Willock Ian, Gina, and Lach
January 4, 2019

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